Different Types of Medical Gowns and Their Importance

Medicine is one of the most significant sectors that give importance to hygiene and cleanliness. All the major and minor procedures in the health sector are done with proper care to ensure that there is no chance for further contamination. With the world suffering from the greatest pandemic of the century, the need for quality medical gowns is also booming.

Medical gowns are used in all kinds of procedures in hospitals, clinics, etc. With cleanliness and cross-contamination being matters of serious concern, medical gowns have been of great help to ensure healthy and hygienic conditions in all health centers.

But medical gown is just an umbrella term generally used for the various kinds of gowns used in the medical sector. Each level of medical procedure requires a specific type of gown that can ensure protection. Let us have a look at some of the different types of gowns available in the market.

Surgical Gowns

Surgical gowns are used in medical procedures which involve direct contact with the human body. They are designed as fluid-resistant to meet the regular needs in a clinical workplace. They are made of lightweight fabric and are available in a variety of colors. The belts of these gowns are made of pure cotton, along with adjustable belts on the back to adjust the gown to your body.

Surgeons and their assistants must wear these gowns while performing intense surgical operations to avoid direct contact with any kind of infection. This is a precaution for both the patient and the medical professionals.

Surgical gowns provide you ease of wearing and also make you comfortable in those. The knit cuffed sleeves provide you more protection to your arms. Usually, surgical gloves are used in situations that have a medium to high risk for contamination.

Cover All Gowns

These are gowns that cover top to bottom of the body. The medical professionals who work around biological fluids are most prone to substances that transmit diseases. These gowns are mostly used by professionals who indulge in medical testing labs and other areas where the testing and analysis of harmful bacteria and viruses are carried out. Thus, they deliver a higher degree of protection other than normal medical gowns.

In the present era, medical professionals who are in charge of covid testing and vaccination also use these gowns as their protective equipment. There are many general trading companies in Dubai that supply quality full cover medical gowns.

Isolation Gowns

These gowns are designed with breathable fabric and multi-ply material, coming in two weights- lightweight and medium weight. They are made of polypropylene and thus ensure low linting and protection from fluids. There are waist and neckties with which they can be adjusted to your body easily. They also provide good protection to most of the body parts that are prone towards cross-contamination.

With the medical sector stretching beyond its limit day by day, experts say that hospitals and clinics are a space for cross-contamination of several viral and bacterial diseases. Thus, medical professionals should make sure that they are using the best gowns and other protective kits.