
All You Need To Know About Insulin Syringes

With the drastic change in lifestyle and living conditions, the risk of lifestyle disorders has been rising at an alarming rate for the past few years. Blood pressure and sugar level variations have become a daily thing for a majority of people to deal with. But thanks to the technological developments in the medical industry, the treatment and medication for these disorders can be carried out by ourselves, without the help of doctors or nurses.

Insulin syringes help to deliver prescribed insulin doses to diabetic patients. These syringes are user-friendly and are the least costly modes to inject insulin into the body. Thus, many diabetic patients find it helpful to use insulin syringes rather than other sophisticated methods.

Syringe Length

Studies have shown that Body Mass Index (BMI) is no longer a factor to get an accurate insulin dose, in terms of the length of the needle. Even short needles of 4 millimeters in length provide accurate dosing. For everyday users who are not comfortable with big needles, such short needles should be enough. Needles with a thinner gauge are less painful. So, they can also be considered for regular use.

Insulin Storage

Most of the medical suppliers in UAE recommend storing them in the refrigerator. But cold insulin can often make the injection process painful. Thus, on a practical basis, it is recommended to store your insulin syringe at room temperature, where it can be stored for a month. But this is the case when you are using a single one. If you have a habit of buying insulin as a bulk, always store your extra insulin in the refrigerator. But take it out and adjust it to the room temperature when the time comes.

Insulin should not be stored in extreme hot or cold conditions. This includes restricting direct sunlight and never storing it in the freezer or hot areas like the glove compartment of a car. You must also examine the insulin carefully and make sure it looks normal before you use it. If you have been storing many insulin syringes for a long time, check whether the expiration date is safe. If the expiration date is over, make sure that you never use it further.

If you are using regular insulin, look for particles or discoloration. NPH or Lent insulins should be checked for frosting and crystals, small particles, clumps, etc. Such pollutants are highly dangerous. So, make sure that your insulin supplier has a provision of exchange or refund for such insulin models. Many reliable general trading companies in Dubai provide exchanges or refund for their supplies.

Syringe Reuse

Reusing syringes can help you to cut short your expense, mass insulin storage, and reduce medical waste. But it should only be done after discussing with a medical expert, as reusing syringes is risky in many cases. It can often lead to infection from the previous use.

Anyway, keeping the needle closed with a cap is necessary whenever you finish using insulin. The needle should not come in contact with anything other than clean skin and the insulin bottle. You should not let others use your syringe or use a syringe used by others. In both these cases, cross-contamination can take place which leads to infection.

Syringe Disposal

An insulin syringe should be ready for disposal when the needle gets dull or damaged. You may safely clip off the needle from the syringe so that no one happens to use them. Never use scissors because the needle may dangerously come off and hurt you or the others around

Thus, insulin syringes, when used safely, will surely help you to reduce your blood sugar levels. You will also be able to spare those daily visits to a hospital or a clinic.